Monday, September 15, 2008

BOOO! You scared mom? Haha..guess who it is?? Your one and only daughter, Kayley :D....I decided to hack into your blog and write a little bit about myself to let everyone know who i am: Well first off, I am 13 as you probably already know. I like Guitar Hero, gymnastics and of course the computer. For all of you awesome people reading out there, you are probably like.."how did she know the password??". Well--my mom makes all her passwords the same, so it was pretty easy to get in. Don't be scared though, I am not usually a person to hack into accounts. It's just I wanted to give my mom a little laugh. Hope you are laughing. Well I g2g to bed now. Cya everyone. Hope you enjoyed my little prank blog. Keep reading my mama's! Haha! Bye!!


(P.S-That's a picture of me :O)

1 People had something to say:

Susie said...

You rock Kayley! Love the picture and I will definitely keep reading your mama's blog.