Strange, strange Part II

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

If you read my post "Strange, Strange" back in February, you would know that in a short time frame we had multiple incidents occur that could not be explained. Well, it's happened again.

We arrived home on August 5th and within 10 days had a variety of issues going on at our house:

1. Severe jetlag (okay, not that unusual considering our traveling circumstances but it certainly didn't help!)
2. Abbey's best friend came over and shared her lice! Thus, the cycle of hair cleansing, laundry, nit checking begins...
3. I developed a bladder infection (which as of this writing, I am still dealing with despite strong antibiotics)
4. My cat decided to retaliate for being left in the kennel for 2 weeks by vomiting all over the house at least twice a day
5. My husband develops a hacking cough and cold (a sick man, self-explanatory)
6. The official timekeeper for my 40th birthday shows up to start his countdown
7. I got stung by a bee

This is not a joke....ALL of this happened in the 10 days after my arrival in Germany!

So the question is this: Is this an attack by Satan? Is God trying to get my attention, to discipline me, or to teach me something? Honestly, I don't know. I've been too busy trying to survive all of it to take the time to figure it out.

All I do know is that I've tried not to whine and complain. I've been plugging along trying to get through it and praying that it will come to an end soon. I did find encouragement, though, from a verse I came across in Revelation (I know, of all the books of the Bible to quote from, right?)

(Jesus speaking) "I know your deeds, and your toil and have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary..." Rev. 2:2-3

During this crazy time at our house, may Jesus pour out these words on me and find them to be true in my life.

Are you going through a difficult time too, my friend? Toil, persevere, endure, and do not grow weary. Jesus knows; let Him find this verse and these traits true in you too!

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