What Could Be

Thursday, April 26, 2007

"Treat a person as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be and he will become what he should be." - Jimmy Johnson, former football coach.

I came across this quote last week and reflected on how true that statement really is. I also wondered, do I take the time to treat other people that way, especially those closest to me? It is so simple to do if you stop and think about it-- it's those encouraging words spoken to someone for who they are and the potential you see in them, or it's the way you act towards them that directly or indirectly relate your belief in them. Regardless of how you treat them, it is like the pebble that drops in the water, the ripple effect can go further than you imagined because of your one small action.

This quote touched me personally though when I had my quiet time a few days later. I was reading in the first chapter of John and came to the part where Jesus was calling out his disciples. In verse 42 when Peter came to Jesus, "Jesus looked at him and said, 'You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas' (which when translated, is Peter)". In Greek, Peter means Rock. Anyone who was familiar with Peter at the time, knew that he was impulsive, unstable, and nothing like the rock that Jesus was calling him. But from the moment Jesus met Peter he treated him not as he was, but rather, as he would become. And he didn't just do it with Peter, Jesus treated everyone as they could be and it's amazing to see how they changed and lived up to his belief in them! After thinking about it for awhile, I realized that even now Jesus does the same for me -- when he looks down at me or speaks to me, it's with eyes and a heart that knows what I could be. The only problem is that I would rather dwell on what I am now and what I was in the past rather than see myself as Jesus does. To see myself in that light isn't always easy, and I'm sure it wasn't all that easy for Peter either. So what made the difference for him? Spending time with the Savior, listening to and obeying his teaching, trusting him for what he could not see, and following him wholeheartedly is what helped Peter become the Rock upon which Christ would build his church. Each day, I must do the same and pray that I will become all that I can be for Christ.

Whether we treat someone as what they could be or whether we receive that same treatment, the choice is ours ~ we can change what could be into what should be. I'm starting today.

2 People had something to say:

Susan said...

Such a beautiful thought and more importantly TRUTH!!! That is my constant prayer, Liana, that I become ALL that Christ intended for me. Thanks for this reminder this morning.


Susie said...

You are an amazing writer, and teacher! How am I doing so far? Seriously, I believe this post wholeheartedly. Thanks for the reminder. I need to watch how I treat my husband and my children, and believe God for who they can become. And of course, myself too.