Why China?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Someone left a comment a few posts back asking the story of how I came to live in China. I wish I had some exciting story to share, but God led us here through my husband's job. What may be more interesting to know is that this is our 3rd move in 2 years ~ we moved from Corpus Christi to Borger, Texas in September 2004, and then to Springfield, Illinois in December 2005, and then to China in August of 2006! God continues to bless my husband in his career, has allowed him to find favor in the eyes of those he works for in the company, and has given him opportunities to grow in a variety of positions. I'm not sure where we will end up when this is over, but I trust God will lead us just as He has with each move. There have been many times I've identified with Abraham, when God called him to "leave your country and your people and go to the land I will show you". But with each move I take comfort in Acts 17:26 that reminds me, "he (God) determines the times set for them and the exact places where they should live." There is a chorus to a song that I think sums up all my relocations: "I will leave everything behind, I will follow you for all of my days. You alone, my heart's desire, I will leave everything behind, I will leave everything behind".

In addition to asking me about the history of my China move, this lovely person also inquired if I was a missionary. At first I laughed at the thought, but the more I think about it and the current environment I am in, I would say "Yes!". The dictionary defines a missionary as a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christ. I may not be sponsored by a church or a missionary organization, but as long as I am surrounded by people who don't know Christ then I am a missionary. Each one of us are missionaries as we live lives that promote Christ. Too many times we think that a missionary has to be someone who travels to a foreign country, and for the most part that is true. However we can't forget that there are mission fields in our own backyards regardless of where we live. We are all commissioned by Christ to be missionaries in Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go an make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

I have enjoyed every move in which I have followed my husband and my God around this world. I have gained insights and experiences that have caused me to grow in ways I never could have staying where I was. For that I will always be grateful. However, the best part is getting to share them all with you! Thanks for allowing me that privilege.

3 People had something to say:

Susan said...

Thanks Liana for the "history" of why and how you are there.

I love "The dictionary defines a missionary as a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christ." Yes, we are ALL missionaries or Ambassadors for Christ and His kingdom. What a honor!!!

We are currently reading "Rediscovering the Kingdom" by Myles Munroe. It deals with this very subject.

Just want you to know how glad I am that Susie introduced me to you and to get to "knew" you a little better as we go along. God Bless your MISSIONARY work!!!!!

The Glow Girls said...

Okay, you may not realize this but everytime I come and visit with you on your blog I always read something that hits me in the heart. Moving, Going throught that now. Not out of state, but should we build and where. Then with Missionary's. Go to my blog and you will come across something that God has placed within my heart to do with the women here in my own town. I'm so exctied to start the process. You are doing so much in China and touching so many lives as well as touching so many lives back in the states.

Dawn said...

Missionary. Hmmmm... to so many people the concept is mind boggling. Living with and serving others. Showering others with the love of Christ, which freely overflows from you to them. Touching others with God's presence through your words and touch as directed by the Holy Spirit. Some may think this is a "job" reserved only for highly trained and extremely "religious" people. Liana, you are a living example of what a missionary truly is...one who loves others because Christ loves her. You touched my life long ago in a food line at the U of H orientation. Without knowing it, because we lost touch, you have continued to touch my life, and now recently with your inspiring words. Your statements in "What Could Be" were right on. The ripple effect that we have on those we meet can have effects for years to come...and the effects are not limited to the person you had direct contact with. It can spread. That's one of the really cool things about love...when given with a pure heart, it spreads. I have missed you. Please e-mail me at dawnmarie.3@juno.com. I'd love to catch up. I must share my disappointment with you though...your quote on your "What Could Be" post...still a Cowboys fan huh? I thought the Spirit would have moved you to become a Bears fan by now! Blessings and Peace to you. Dawn