Inner Life Song

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into but I know that it will be well worth it in the end. Last month I took the plunge and signed up for a 2 year Christian writing course. It was something I had been looking into for a long time, but with all our moving around the globe it was just never possible. Now that I have more freedom from household chores (okay, I don't do them at all!), I thought this was the right time. I'm very excited and very nervous at the same time. I know that this is going to stretch me more than ever, but I know that is exactly what I need.

One of our lesson assignments was to describe in 150 words or less our desire for our inner spiritual life. It could be written in prose or poetry. I wasn't sure what I was going to do at first, then after one of my quiet times readings I felt God leading me towards a song of sorts. Please know that this is not comfortable for me, but I prayed that God would just give me the words to write (see, I'm already being stretched and it's only lesson 2!). Faithful as always, He gave them to me and I thought I might share them here with you today. Enjoy!

Inner Life Song

A life overflowing from a heart of gratitude
Guided by the Spirit in everything I do.
Not living for myself, but for the One who died for me
Walking with Him daily in blissful harmony.
In awe of who He is and all His wonderful deeds
Thankful for his grace and unending mercy.
Continually feasting on His Word, the lamp unto my feet
Gaining truth, wisdom, knowledge and spiritual maturity.
Trusting in Him with an undivided heart,
Knowing from His hands I will never part.
Willing and obedient when He calls to me
Gladly serving Him with Christ-like humility.
Always praising Him, no matter the situation
For He is my hope and the joy of my salvation.
More of Him, less of me - that's all I want my life to be.

2 People had something to say:

Susan said...

Good for you!!! Keep me informed on your progress.

Susie said...

Liana, this is just amazing! I love it! Beautiful words, beautifully woven together. You need to get this framed for sure!