Come and see, come and listen...

Monday, May 05, 2008

"Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf...Come and listen all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me..." - Psalm 66:5,15

Returning back from holiday (thus, the lack of posts), I couldn't wait to share the amazing thing God did for us with you. I hope it will encourage you with whatever you may be going through as well...

It's no secret that I love beach holidays. I manage to find locations that will somehow find me on a beach somewhere in the world. However, the past 4 holidays have not provided me with the weather I have needed to enjoy my time at the beach. Two of the times, cyclones invaded the areas and caused the normally peaceful waters to become too turbulent to enjoy. The other times were end of rainy seasons and the peaceful waters had yet to return. I was bound and determined to find a time and a place where I could rest and relax in front of still waters! After much research I thought I had found the perfect place in Thailand. I was thrilled! I booked the reservations and spent weeks dreaming of my idyllic getaway.

As the time for departure grew closer, I decided to start checking the weather forecasts for our intended destinations. Much to my dismay, rain was predicated for the ENTIRE time we were to be on holiday. And not just sprinkles. Showers and high percentages of rain were the forecast. I couldn't believe it! My ideal beach trip was doomed. I decided right then and there that I would not let this bleak outlook ruin my trip. Rather, I decided to start praying.

I knew the One who created the world and controlled everything in it, so I asked Him to clear the weather for our trip. This may seem a little selfish and rather unimportant considering other things people are dealing with and the state of the world we live in, but it was truly important to me so I knew bringing it before God was not a silly thing to do. For 10 days I prayed God would make clear paths in the weather for us, knowing He could. I also knew that I couldn't be double minded and mope around the house dreading our vacation either, nor could I keep watching the weather channel every hour to see what was happening. I had to trust God and wait.

When we finally arrived at our first stop, the weather was great! But that was not the day I was concerned about. The next day we would be visiting architectural ruins and spending the entire day outside. We woke up to heat and sun and it was wonderful. I refused to complain about the sweat dripping down my back. There was no rain and I was grateful. But what was really amazing was that the minute our tour was over for the day and we got in the van to drive back to our hotel, a downpour of rain started! No kidding! I could only look at Clint and smile, both of us knowing the goodness of God.

Our second stop on our trip was the beach. We landed in beautiful weather and were so excited. The true question though was the water situation...would it be calm, peaceful waters or rough ones? After dropping our bags in our room we headed to the beach. I almost started crying when I saw it. Beautiful crystal clear waters gently lapping against the sand. It was everything I had hoped for and dreamed of and I knew Who was giving that gift to me. I was so overwhelmed with excitement of the days ahead that I wasn't sure I would even be able to sleep.

When we woke up the next morning, the sun was shining and the sky was blue. We headed for breakfast and couldn't wait to start our day. As we ate I noticed the staff beginning to close things up around the restaurant. I stopped eating and went to look at the beach. Dark clouds were on the horizon. Before I could get the words out of my mouth, the rain started. I looked at Clint confused and dumbfounded. Why would God bring us so far and give us such great weather only to have it ruined now? Would I never get a beach vacation without rain? We continued with our breakfast and waited.

Praise God we didn't have to wait long! As soon as we finished eating breakfast, the rain stopped and the sun reclaimed it's place in the sky! We were going to have a great beach holiday after all! It was fabulous! And it only rained on us one other time during our stay there....when we went into a restaurant to eat lunch a few days later the rain began and it stopped by the time we finished eating! Isn't God amazing??!!

I know that God heard and answered my prayers for great weather and I am so grateful for His wonderful gift. I hope that whatever rainstorm you are facing today, big or small, that you will be encouraged. God can move the storms out of your way and when He does, you will be able to share with others as well, "Come and see, come and listen...."

1 People had something to say:

Susie said...

I am so happy that your skies were clear and you had the beach vacation of your dreams. God is SO good!