The meaning behind the name

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Many times you will see a name and wonder what the meaning is behind it. Today I thought I would share the meaning behind the name of my blog, though I'm sure most of you have already figured it out. I don't know how to explain my uncanny obsession, but I LOVE the process of transformation. I don't care if it's a room, a flower bed, or a person, I am fascinated when I observe something change from "in need of work" to "eye-pleasing and beautiful". It's not just the new and improved part that I enjoy, but the entire process that is required -- the understanding of the problem, the willingness to change, the hard work and effort, and finally, the new result. Maybe that's why I watch all those make-over shows on TV! But I know that above all else, God is in the transforming business of our lives. I am proof of that! When I look back to where I was 11 years ago I am amazed at the transforming work God has done in me. It overwhelms me to think of what I used to be like. I am definitely NOT the same woman. But even more than that I am excited to see what He will do in me in the upcoming years. As one of my favorite Bible teachers, Joyce Meyers, always says, "I'm not where I need to be, but thank heavens I'm not where I used to be". When I accepted Christ, God loved me just the way I was, but He loved me even more not to leave me that way. That is why I cling to 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" I am so grateful that by the grace of God I am a work in progress, a transformed woman in the making.

2 People had something to say:

Janice said...

Thanks for sharing that. It was inspiring.

Susie said...

Another beautiful post. That is a great quote from Joyce Meyer. I am sorry I haven't emailed in a while. We need to catch up!